Finished Works

Frankenstein's Monster
8 1/4" H x 10 1/2"W
Graphite on Mole Skine

Buddyman Morris
9"H x 7" W
Acrylic on Bristol

Cow Skulls
9"H x 12"W
Conte' Crayon on Toned Paper

Study of the Foot
10"H x 5"W x 12"L

Mother and Child
6"H x 4"W x 12"L
Mother and Child
Artist Statement
This sculpture embodies the experience of a new mother receiving her child for the first time. The mother looks down on her new baby with happiness, but her slumping head suggests that she is exhausted from the labor.
The curvature of the mother’s back leads the eye to the child in her hands. The mother’s head casts a protective shadow on the infant. There is happiness and exhaustion in her posture that comes with the delivery of the infant.
This work allows me to express myself as a parent and show the adoration and fatigue that comes with being a new parent. I watched my wife become a new mother in amazement and concern as she went through the process of labor.
The lean long figure represents the tired, hurting, and exhausted body of the woman as she becomes a new mother. The artwork is an expression of the joys and pain a new mother endures.
Foot Fired
9"H x 4"W x 11"L

Mother and Child Fired
6"H x 4"W x 12"L

Lost Childhood
14"H x 14"W x 14"L
Metal, Plastic, Plush

Artist Statement for Lost Childhood
This body of work represents the adversities that I had to overcome while I was growing up. Most of my childhood was lost because of the environment that I grew up in.
The teddy bear is an embodiment of my childhood trapped in a drug-dealing and bootlegging home. The teddy bear is locked up with syringes and scattered around the cell. The jail cell exemplifies the feeling of being trapped in this situation, the cell is also a representation of the many times my father would wind up in jail after those raids.
Most childhoods are supposed to be filled with friends, sleepovers, and summer breaks. My childhood was a lot different although there were many good times, there were many scary and bad times as well be we must overcome our demons as we grow up.